Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 17- Comunidad Mi Dulce Refugio in Caño Seco, we did a week of evangelism and lead Sunday service. This was also the Dia del Niño celebration. 

July 19- San Carlos, Zulia, we evangelised for two days and lead bible studies. 

July 23-Arikok National Park in Aruba. We served in a Vacation Bible School camp in Aruba. 


Aruba´s Beach. 

Having fun at the beach with the campers. 

The egg game. 

Dushi yiu = sweet (Papiamento Language)

The Believers Team- We won the camps competition! 

Mountain Formation in Aruba.

Cas di Oracion (Papiamento Language) Vacation Bible School Camp site in Aruba. 

Sand Dunes in Coro, Venezuela. 

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