Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sent to Venezuela

Thank you for choosing to stay connected to how God will use me in Venezuela. I am extremely thankful for all the prayer and financial support that I have received that has made this service possible!
This summer, June 8th - August 9th, I and my service team (4 total) will be serving the people of El Vigia, Venezuela by participating in evangelism, discipleship and church development to help spread the word of God in the community.  I would have never imagined that I would have the opportunity to dedicate my summer to God by serving in missionary service.  I am humbled to know that God has called me to serve him, by his grace He will allow me to do the extraordinary in His name.
Only two weeks and a half away to serve in Venezuela and I am in the middle of variety of emotions, I am excited yet a little fearful of leaving home (I have never left home). Through this process, I think of my family and how I will sure miss them, but overall I want to be a testimony of God to them, I want them to see God through me and how as a daughter and sister I desire to be a woman of God. I am trusting in God that He will take care of my family while I am gone, who better to provide for my family than God.    

This is truly a journey and sometimes I think “what did I get myself into”, but God knows that I am only a servant who is willing to be sent by Him.

Shine in Venezuela,

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